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Tree Commission Minutes 01/17/2013

Minutes of a meeting of
The Old Lyme Tree Commission
January 17, 2013

Regular members present: Joanne DiCamillo, Anne Bing, Gerry Foster, Emily Griswold                                                                 Alternate members absent: Joan Flynn                                                                                                          
Ex-officio members absent: Tom Degnan, Tree Warden

A quorum being present, Chairman Joanne DiCamillo called the meeting to order at 4:05 P.M.

The commission has openings for 2 members.

Clerk’s Report – The minutes of the 10/18/12 meeting were reviewed.
MOTION:  Gerry Foster moved, seconded by Anne Bing, to accept the October minutes as presented. Joanne DiCamillo, Gerry Foster and Anne Bing voted in favor. Emily Griswold abstained as she had not attended the meeting. Motion carried.

Balance                                                                                                                                                                       Mrs. DiCamillo reported that as of 1/9/2013 the balance in the General Fund (Tree Commission and Public Works) was $9,980.35.

CL&P - tree trimming & tree removals
CL& P removed five trees on the North Green. Two were dead. The stumps will be ground at a later time.

Mile Creek Road
A number of broken pine trees, damaged by Hurricane Sandy, were removed by Wilcox Tree Service and Iselin Tree Service. The costs were submitted by the town’s Emergency Management Director to FEMA for reimbursement.

Brighton Road
CL&P removed a damaged tree on the west side of the road. A resident reported a heavily damaged old maple tree on the east side on town right-of-way. The Director of Public Works is managing the removal.

Sill Lane
CL&P recently completed trimming and removal of trees on Sill Lane. Several trees had all of their branches removed on the side adjacent to the wires. The tree warden examined and approved the trees that were marked for removal.  There are pine trees at #1 Sill Lane, growing on the town/homeowner’s property line that were broken and damaged by Hurricane Sandy. They should be considered for corrective pruning and/or removal.

Lymes’ Senior Center –
Selectwoman Reemsnyder will decide how to proceed with the necessary trimming and removals.
She received a request from the Senior Center to prune the overgrown burning bushes around the porch.

Tree Warden, Tom Degnan, will not approve a new planting plan unless a maintenance plan is submitted with it. He also wants a licensed arborist to trim the trees.

Care of Trees – 2012 invoice
Mrs. DiCamillo has not received an adjusted invoice from Care of Trees, although a representative from the local office stated in a phone message last October that a new one would be mailed.

Election of Chairman
Mrs. DiCamillo has served as chairperson since the commission was formed. She asked for someone to step up and succeed her as the Chair or to share the responsibility with her as a Co-Chair in 2013.
No one is able to serve in either capacity.

MOTION: Anne Bing moved, seconded by Gerry Foster, to elect Joanne DiCamillo as Chairman of the Tree Commission for 2013. Anne Bing, Gerry Foster and Emily Griswold voted in favor, Joanne DiCamillo abstained. Motion carried.

Town Hall – New Tree
First Selectwoman Reemsnyder arranged for a small spruce tree to be planted on the south side of the meeting hall in the area where a Norway maple was taken down last year. Public Works planted the tree.

REMINDER - Next Meeting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Next scheduled meeting is on Thursday, February 21, 2012 at 4 P.M. at the Town Hall.

Motion:  Gerry Foster moved, seconded by Anne Bing, to adjourn the meeting at 4:44 P.M. Motion unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Hansen